Assuming that you will need a loan to build your new home, it is important to first determine two things:
1. The maximum loan amount for which you can qualify?
2. The largest monthly loan payment with which you will be comfortable?
The answers to these two questions will determine your maximum construction budget.
In order to determine the maximum loan amount you qualify for, our preferred construction lender considers your credit score, income and debt. Keep in mind, to build a new home actually requires two loans, the construction loan and the long term loan (or conventional mortgage) that replaces the construction loan after the construction is completed. In many ways, the construction loan is the most important since it must be structured in such a way to conveniently pay the construction bills as your home progresses. Hence, the importance of using an experienced “new construction” lender that will also “bundle” the construction and long term loans.
Another aspect of the construction lending process is to determine the anticipated value of the completed project. This is an important part of the construction lending process because, in general, the lender will loan about70 - 80% of the appraised value of the completed project, including the land costs. For construction lending purposes, the Appraiser uses the building plans to arrive at the anticipated value.
After your initial consultation, we will have our preferred lender follow up with you with financing options.